Lift Up The Name of YHWH (Do Not Lift Up The Name of Jesus!)

January 2000 · 1 minute read
The name „YHWH‟, to be lifted up!

Every faithful Bible reader must surely know that in Exod.3:1-15 Moses recorded his encounter with the Person in the bush which was burned with fire but not consumed [Exod.3:2]. In that encounter, the Person told Moses to acknowledge the Israelites that ‘YHWH’ has sent Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. ‘YHWH’, wrote Moses, without syllables, hence can not be pronounced.

Since that time on, ‘YHWH’ was considered the name of the Most High by the Israelites. To the present times, they lift high and sanctify the name ‘YHWH’ (which is unpronounceable), and in order to worship that Person in prayers, that they chose and applied other (pronounceable) names to their Deity, such as Adonai, Yahweh, Jehovah, etc. with whatever reasons in their minds.

Now a critical question arises: Is it lawful to call and worship the Israelite’s Deity with ‘Yahweh’ or ‘Jehovah’ names in place of the unpronounceable name ‘YHWH’?

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